Friday, 7 December 2012

Wentworth Falls

Yesterday we went into the Blue Mountains, specifically 'Wentworth Falls' to see.....well the falls. It was a gloriously warm day and after a very pleasant 2hr train ride we arrive in Wentworth Falls, population 507 we are reliable informed. The walk from the station takes you through bush land and brings you out at yet another dramatic vista.....(I'm almost dramatic vista'd out!).......only joking, how could you get bored of after mile of dramatic scenery and day after day of glorious sunshine :-) We decide on a sedate 2 to 3hr walk along the cliff path to see not only the Wentworth Falls but also the Empress Falls, again very impressive At the end of the walk through the bush we take a stroll (not quite so energetic) through the back streets of the town of Wentworth Falls, picking out which house we woul buy if we were to stay. It really is an ideallic little town. We take the train back home and have a little snooze then go out in Paddington for a steak and beer with no.2 son :-)

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