Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Rest in peace Eric

Sadly missedTuesday 8th February 2011 and after a very sudden and short illness one of our cats, Erica (Eric for short) had to be put to sleep. The vet said it was either a stroke or some swelling or growth in the brain causing nuerological symptoms. Poor Eric lost co-ordination of her legs over the space of a week and at the end stopped eating drinking and would not even attempt to leave her bed. She was a happy soul to the end and at 17 yrs old had a good innings and I like to think a good life in the countryside. Eric and her sister Pookie lived outside in the garage and kept/keep the mice and rats at bay (Pookie is still with us). They did a good job as I was constantly finding mice entrails scattered over the garage floor and on one occassion a very large rat (in one piece). When the boys were young thr cats would come in some nights and sleep on the boys beds but only occassionally as theu were not house trained, once the renovations were done they would come in for the early evening and sit on the sofa's with us (Eric especially loved this, Pookie is a bit more feral and doesn't get on with our Lurcher). She has now gone to the big sofa in the sky were the fire is always on, rest in peace Eric you will be missed by us all.

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